What if I have a Home Warranty issue?

As a Homeowner your primary relationship exists with your Registered Builder. It is important that open lines of communication are maintained in order to facilitate the timely resolution of a warranty defect(s). The defect(s) should be described in a written format and submitted to your Builder. Give your Builder some time to deal with the situation. Your Builder may have processes and timeframes to deal with 1st year warranty issues in order to most effectively manage normal customer service requirements. Please consult your Builder’s Warranty Service Schedule (if applicable).

If your Builder has not fulfilled their warranty obligations or there is a dispute between you and your Builder that cannot be resolved, a Notice of Defect (means a Warranty Claim that is submitted in writing to the Program) should be initiated by you as the Homeowner.

The following steps should be taken by the Homeowner prior to submitting a Notice of Defect:

  1. Consult your Limited Home Warranty Certificate or Limited Home Renovation Warranty Certificate to review the coverage details and applicability.
  2. As a Homeowner, you are obligated to minimize damage associated with a potential defect.  See “Duties of the Owner” in your Limited Home Warranty Certificate or Limited Home Renovation Warranty Certificate.
  3. Contact your Builder advising of the defect in writing.
  4. If your Builder does not respond, or does not address the defect accordingly, please submit a Notice of Defect to the Program.

Upon receipt of a Notice of Defect, the Program will:

  1. Review the Notice
  2. Notify the Builder of the defect and request their intentions.
  3. Follow up with the Homeowner with any action, as required.
  4. Depending on the outcome of the Builder’s response, dispute resolution may be required.  See “Dispute Resolution” in your Limited Home Warranty Certificate or Limited Home Renovation Warranty Certificate.

Please note that these are guidelines only.  Homeowners should carefully review their Builder’s contract.  Homeowners should also read their Limited Home Warranty Certificate or Limited Home Renovation Warranty Certificate to understand the obligations of the Program, as well as compliance with all notices and other provisions it contains.